Thursday, January 15, 2009

Part 2--9 weeks (or so)

I just uploaded a month's worth of photos from our other camera, so there's a lot to see in this one. If you're just checking after a long while, also look at the previous post, since I just put it up yesterday.

Louie is now 9 weeks old, and true to his prenatal form, he is a big boy. The pediatrician yesterday kept saying, "he's a two-month-old in a four-month-old's body!). We all had bets on his weight, but he wasn't as big as we thought (no one won). Currently, he's 24 inches and 14 pounds, 6 oz.

These photos are a hodgepodge from the last month, including Christmas, New Year's and random days when he just happens to look cute.

Grandma Sjoblad knows the musical talent is innate: he's conducting the orchestra in his sleep

With Mommy wearing my famous monkey outfit

Getting ready to go out in my fox outfit

This is why I wouldn't recommend having a baby in the winter. No walks, no swimming; we're trapped in the house unless we're willing to brave the elements.

Christmas at home, wearing my grandpa sweater

Christmas eve at the Foxes'. Grandma (Mom) Fox is responsible for this outfit.

I don't want to burp!

I love Auntie (and godmother Sarah)!

Uncle (and godfather) Jonny looking frightened.

Wheee! I'm way up high with Grandpa Dave!

New Year's Eve at the Keenan's

I can smile now (but it's hard to catch on film)

I love hanging out on my changing pad (who knows why)!

Morning bonding with Daddy

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Update Part 1: Pequot & Shower--7 weeks

I've finally gotten a moment to post some current photos. I'm afraid that this kid is more work than I thought! I can't find the cord to connect the other camera to the computer, but once that is found, Part 2 will be posted with the really good photos, and possibly some video.

I'll start with a cute one to appease all the people who have been screaming for me to update (you know who you are).

Christmas with Grandma--he's already mastered that look that we all give when Mom comes up with a crazy idea.

Pete snowshoeing in PL

me snowshoeing on East Twin

Becky and Liz threw a baby shower for Louie in Minneapolis. Mom had been with Louie for 3 days, but that didn't prevent her from hogging him.

Remember this historic photo of the first man ever to attend a baby shower (Pat Cullen), along with Becky

Auntie Amy holds her first nephew. Please note his fashionable outfit.

More shower photos--Becky, Pete, Aunt Cheryl, Bethany & Amy

Bundled up and ready to go!!