Thursday, June 4, 2009

Did I say I'd post more often?--7 months

Here's a quick roster of tricks: Sitting, rolling over, drooling with still no teeth, eating cereal with veggies or fruit, laughing, acting cute. The jolly 18 pounds has turned into a rollicking 20 pounds. These pictures go back a ways, so only the ones at the end are 6-7 months.

I'll be in therapy for this, Mommy

In my jeans

B.C (Before Cheeks)

A.C. (After Cheeks)

C'mere Eloise!

Hanging out with the guys, talking cars and beer

Hipster me

Preppie me

The scene every parent knows well, and every potential parent dreads

My favorite activity! Daddy and the Bjorn

In my monkey jammies

I like baths now!

Here's how I got those cheeks!