Obviously I'm still pregnant in the photo to the right, so you know the baby isn't mine. As a matter of fact, he--Grayson--belongs to Paula, who was featured in my June entry. You met Grayson in utero in June, and here he is in the flesh. He had a nice little shelf to sit on when I held him. We spent Labor Day weekend, as we always do, in Green Lake with our closest friends. There I learned a lot of important baby tricks, such as the "swaddle and swing." Although I promised a swimsuit shot, I have to wait until it is emailed to me. My friend Sara took an action shot of me diving into the lake (no gasps of horror necessary, although I didn't quite have a Michael Phelps entry into the water). Look for that soon.
For those of you who may have thought I have an imaginary husband, there he is, below (we're at a wedding). It is less exciting to track pictures of Pete, since his belly is not growing on a weekly basis. If it was growing at the rate of mine, I'd probably keep him hidden.