Louie is now 9 weeks old, and true to his prenatal form, he is a big boy. The pediatrician yesterday kept saying, "he's a two-month-old in a four-month-old's body!). We all had bets on his weight, but he wasn't as big as we thought (no one won). Currently, he's 24 inches and 14 pounds, 6 oz.
These photos are a hodgepodge from the last month, including Christmas, New Year's and random days when he just happens to look cute.
Grandma Sjoblad knows the musical talent is innate: he's conducting the orchestra in his sleep
With Mommy wearing my famous monkey outfit
This is why I wouldn't recommend having a baby in the winter. No walks, no swimming; we're trapped in the house unless we're willing to brave the elements.
Uncle (and godfather) Jonny looking frightened.
I can smile now (but it's hard to catch on film)